Are you struggling with fatigue, Image nutrient deficiencies, or chronic health issues that seem impossible to overcome?

we get it

we get it

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Regain Your Vitality with Phlow IV

We understand the problem and you are not the only one.

Modern life can take a toll on your body and mind. Stress, poor diet, and environmental factors can deplete your essential nutrients, leaving you feeling exhausted, run-down, and unable to function at your best. Oral supplements often fall short, failing to provide the boost your body craves.

Ever feel like there just aren’t enough hours in the day?

Between work, family, and everything else, it’s easy to let your health fall by the wayside.

You might be tired, sluggish, or even struggling with nagging aches and pains.

You know you should be taking care of yourself, but traditional methods just take too much time or effort.

You deserve to feel vibrant, energized, and in control of your well-being.

But how can you replenish your depleted reserves and reclaim your optimal health?

IV Therapy is beating traditional methods of feeling and getting better.

3 reasons IV therapy is superior to traditional therapies.
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Immediate Absorption:
IV therapy delivers essential vitamins directly into the bloodstream for rapid action.
Bypasses Digestive System:
IV therapy skips the digestive process, avoiding potential degradation or variability in absorption.
Convenient Home Treatment:
Phlow's IV therapies can be administered at home, offering ultimate convenience and comfort to patients.
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Recharge, Replenish, and Rejuvenate with IV Therapy.

IV therapy has emerged as a popular option for those seeking a safe and effective way to optimize their health and well-being. Beyond its traditional medical applications, IV therapy offers a range of potential benefits that cater to a broader audience seeking to enhance their daily lives.

Experience how our targeted IV drips can boost your energy, enhance your mood, and improve your overall health.

Real people are talking about Phlow IV.

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Create Your Own Phlow

This service offers a truly tailored approach to wellness and vitality. We craft a specially formulated blend of vitamins, minerals, and supplements for you, ensuring that you receive the precise support you need to thrive.

Energy Phlow

Formulated to combat fatigue, boost your energy levels, and enhance your mood. This revitalizing blend of fluids and essential vitamins helps you feel refreshed, focused, and ready to take on the day.

+B-12 +B-complex +Zinc +Glutathione

Executive Phlow

A premium infusion that is the go-to choice for those seeking to increase productivity, alleviate stress, and elevate mood, so you can thrive, both professionally and personally.

+B-Complex +B-12 +Taurine +100 mg of NAD+

Fertility Phlow

Revitalize your body. Tailored to support reproductive health and hormone balance, this cocktail aids you on your journey to optimal fertility and wellness.

+Copper +Magnesium +Manganese +Selenium +Zinc

Flu Phlow

Combat the flu head-on with our high-dose IV therapy, designed to offer rapid relief and supports your body’s natural defenses for a speedy recovery.

+Vitamin C +B-12 +B-complex +Zinc +Glutathione

Hangover Phlow

Don’t let a hangover ruin your day; this is your fast track to recovery. This specialized treatment rehydrates your body and flushes toxins to combat headaches, nausea, and fatigue.

+B-complex +B-12 +Zofran +Ketorolac

It’s easy to get started.

Young woman is getting IV hydration therapy to get more energy.


Select your IV treatment.

Choose from any of our vitamin IV drips that best fits you or build your own treatment.


Book your IV treatment appointment.

Select the day and time that you prefer and one of our nurses will call to clear you medically.


We review your overall wellness.

Your IV Therapy case is reviewed by a certified healthcare professional.


Mobile IV comes directly to your door.

One of our registered nurses will come to the location of your choice to start the IV therapy.

Sit back, relax, and feel better, faster.

Feel better as a group or team.

Whether it’s pre or post-bachelorette parties, wedding extravaganzas, music festivals, friend gatherings, sports teams, or backstage musicians, hydrate and rejuvenate with your crew.

Two groups of people are seeking to feel better together with Phlow IV's group IV therapy sessions.

You Free eBook is Here!

Thank you for filling out the form to receive our complimentary informational ebook. We're thrilled to share this valuable resource with you.

Your ebook is ready for download. Simply click here to access it.

In this ebook, you'll discover everything you need to know about IV therapy – from its science-backed benefits to insider tips for maximizing your experience. We're confident that it will provide you with valuable insights to support your wellness journey.

If you have any questions or would like to learn more about our IV therapy services, don't hesitate to reach out. We're here to help!
Wishing you health and vitality,

Hayley Stein, RN
Call or Text: 203-208-6048‬

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